Flashback Film – The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

The Manchurian Candidate (1962 film)
Image via Wikipedia

The Manchurian Candidate. The remake pales in comparison. In fact, I don’t know why they bothered. They never ask me about these things.

Jim Jones and Darth Vader

Thanks to: D.M. (R.I.P.)

Jim Jones:
Voiced by: James Warren Jones
Face masked by: Dark sunglasses
Came into infamy in the late 70s
A gifted child from poor parents
Became a member of the Communist party as an idealistic youth, but later broke ranks

Darth Vader:
Voiced by: James Earl Jones
Face masked by: Dark mask
Came into infamy in the late 70s
A gifted child born into slavery
Became a Jedi as an idealistic youth, but later broke ranks